Friday, May 31, 2013

Put Down the Phone

    Something I'm trying to work on is having both my husband and I eat dinner every night without computers or cell phones. We love to go out to eat, in part because it forces us to get away from papers or projects and spend time with just each other. But if there is ever a disagreement about a fact (which happens more than you'd think) one of us pulls out our phone and asks the all-knowing Google. The problem is that once that happens, it's like we invited another person along for the meal because we can't seem to stop looking up information or checking on this or that. Pretty soon we're both reading interesting articles on serial killers and their favorite super heros or how Google glasses are only appealing the the super nerds, etc. We then spout out certain points the article of the article to one another but neither of us are actually listening because we are both trying to synthesize information from our own respective articles. 
    While I believe learning to a very important thing, at what point do we say enough is enough and start interacting with each other? We finally discussed it and decided that we can be blunt with each other and tell the other person to simply put the phone away. I cannot tell you how much this has helped us communicate more! While we still aren't perfect at it, we're getting better. What's crazy to both of us is that dinner is more fun and we actually learn more about each other than some psychological postulation about mental illness and Superman or Apple's world domination. Without offending Superman or Apple, I think we're both a little happier discussing goals and dreams and the adorableness of our dog. My challenge to whoever is reading this (probably just my grandma and hubs) is to put the phone away and connect with someone rather than the internet. 

Thursday, May 30, 2013

Sing like no one else is watching...

The title of this video totally encapsulates the spirit of it. How often do we do things we love or find joy in even if it might seem a little ridiculous?

Caught on a nanny-cam because of neighbor noise complaints

Keep Smiling!

Trust yourself

How often do we fail to listen to ourselves and that little voice in our gut that says we can do it? I am the queen of self-doubt and while sometimes my doubt pushes me to excel, other times it stops me right in my tracks.

Believe and Keep smiling.

Wednesday, May 29, 2013

I'm Back!

So yes, I've been gone about a year. A whole year. And I'm not even really sure about why except for that things get busy and life runs away from us. As I was thinking about whether or not I should close down this account, I read through all of the previous posts and decided that this blog helped me probably more than it has helped anyone else. This blog gave me a reason to find joy and humor each day and I need to get back to that. Now don't get me wrong, my last year has been good and full of accomplishment, but as I look back, I remember times when I definitely let life and circumstances get the best of me. 

So I'm starting this up again. Who knows if anyone will ever read any of this- I guess it doesn't matter. I'm ready to continue working my butt off but dream a little more, laugh a little more, and be a little more grateful for my life.

Keep Smiling!